Saturday, May 3, 2008

rescue me

This is how we are closing the service tomorrow at Coldwater Church.


JDF said...

Toph, hope all is well. Things are going well on our side of the continent.

Alright man, this is way over the top for a conservative presbyterian. Setting aside the question of who has the proper authority to administer the Lord's Supper, there are still all kinds of questions that this video evokes. BIG questions like...

Who is the Lord's Supper for?

What do we do when we participate in the Lord's Supper?

How are the warnings of 1 Cor. 11 to be understood?

Would you stand on the corner and offer the Supper indiscriminately? Or to anyone who professed faith, regardless of their actual understanding of the gospel?

Would you do the same thing with baptism?

It seems to me that this does not fall into the category of "Things that shouldn't matter....but do."

The Curmudgeon Calvinist

Topherspoon said...

It's great to see you still come by here. This piece has been wonderful in letting people ask some of the questions you brought up as well as others. One of the more interesting ones is... "What does it look like for us to truely live out the gospel in a world that desperately needs it?" We are recieving the Lord's Supper this morning and we will not be sharing this film. We are also not taking the leftovers to Burger King. I do think there's some great metaphor here though.