Monday, August 27, 2007

Thinking about waiting up for the eclipse...Liturgy

I have to be up early in the morning so I can attend a Focus on the Family event about understanding homosexuality. I'm sure I'll have alot to blog about tomorrow. Normally I would go to bed early but tonight's the lunar eclipse. Decisions Decisions.

Another Church Question...

What are your thoughts on liturgy?
We would never call it that at my church, but ours looks something like this;

Opening Prayer
Special Music
Closing Song

We practice communion on the first sunday of the month.
We never wash each other's feet, at least not in that way.

We plan baptismal services whenever someone asks for one.
We never baptise infants. We dedicate them... with out water.

Our services always last longer than an hour. Usually 90 min sometimes more.
What's your church like? Do you like it? What would you change? Liturgicly?
Is that a word?

1 comment:

JDF said...

Worship is a dialogue between God and his people. In worship God speaks and his people respond. I think liturgy should reflect this biblical pattern.

I also think that worship should be thoroughly Theocentric and Christocentric. Worship is first for God, second for his people, and third as evangelism. This order has unfortunately gotten lost in modern evangelicalism.

Ours looks like this...

God Calls us to Worship and we Respond with Praise
The Call to Worship (God Speaks)
A Song of Adoration (We Respond)
Prayer of Adoration (We Respond)
We Confess our Faith (We Respond)
A Song of Exaltation (We Respond)

God Calls us to Repentance and Restores us with His Grace
A Conviction of Sin (God Speaks)
We Confess our Sins (We Respond)
Assurance of Pardon (God Speaks)
Exchange of Peace (We Respond)
A Song of Joy (We Respond)

God gives us the Means of Grace to Sustain us in our Pilgrim Journey
The Pastoral Prayer (We Entreat)
Reading of the Word (God Speaks)
The Word Preached (God Speaks)
A Song of Reflection (We Respond)
The Lord's Supper (God Speaks)

We Respond with Thanksgiving
The Offering (We Respond)
A Song of Renewal (We Respond)
The Benediction (God Speaks)