Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I didn't order tots.

We were doing dinner convient and affordable last night so I decided to take advantage of Family Night at Sonic (This is similair to Taco Tuesdays at Del Taco). All Sonic burgers are half off. I ordered 6 ketchup and mayo burgers, paid my eight dollars and some change, and headed home. I served half burgers to the kids so even after everyone had ate there were two left. I asked the wife if she'd like to split one. She opened it up to find a bun, both top and bottom, ketchup, mayo, lettuce, onions, tomato, pickles, but no burger. The phone call went like this...

Me... Hi I just ordered six burgers and one of then didn't have a burger
Sonic Guy... WHAT?
ME... it was a bun lettuce, etc... but no meat
Sonic Guy... What did you order?
Me... Six burgers
Sonic Guy... Were they all like that?
Me... No just one.
Sonic Guy... Which one?
Me... uh...number three.
Sonic Guy... Come on down we'l give you another one.

Why does this stuff happen to me?

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