Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I am getting old / YS has a new logo.

Sometimes I am an advocate for change and sometimes I hate change. YS ( the affectionate name for the most popular and first ever publishing company printing material, maintaining websites, and hosting conferences and training days specifically for youth workers) announced today that they've changed their logo. I agree with YS president Marko, "Logos are a funny thing" and I totally understand why this change was needed. However, I had a stonger than anticipated reaction.
"Didn't they just change logos?" (This is the part where I feel old. I have been using YS material since the so called "Oregon Boys" logo. And I loved the red swoosh thingy) "Why would they do that?" and also "What's up with the asterisk?"

Well YS has answered my questions... "A graffiti-style green asterisk has been added to communicate "fresh" and "always changing," and to reference or call attention to our specialty—youth ministry". Go here for the full explanation.

Want to call attention to youth ministrty?...Just add an asterisk! Logos are a funny thing.

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