Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Goals for 2007

I will weigh 250lbs or less by Labor Day 2007. I will walk or exercise at least 20 minutes at least 4 days a week. I will go to bed by midnight if possible. I will eat breakfast everyday. I will complete education on weight management, behavioral change, nutrirtion, and healthy cooking. I will avoid caloried drinks, junkfood, excessive snacks, and empty calories. I will find others to join me in my efforts.

I will read books, at least one a month. I will join a book club. I will regularly read other blogs I find helpful. I will continue to network with other ministers in our fellowship, our community, and the emerging networks. I will write more, and share it with others. I will read the entire Bible by my brother's Birthday 2008.

I will make time to pray and hang out with Jesus, possibly while I'm walking. I will continue to put student ministry first in my efforts at the church I work at. I will avoid "wasting time" and stay away from compromise. I will begin planning and preparing for one day pastoring a church plant. I will live a "simple" life that allows for massive debt reduction in 2007. I will date my wife, and also each of my kids. I will help my brother find peace and health in any way I can.

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